1995年5月7日,是镇赉县玻璃总厂近两千名工人痛心疾首的日子。这一天,工人们围在他们赖以生存的玻璃窑前,望着滚烫的玻璃水不是拉成了晶莹的玻璃,而是因缺乏资金、产品无销路被迫停产而白白放掉。工人们的心震颤了,这意味着砸碎了他们的饭碗。他们把这笔帐记到了厂长头上,怒吼着四处寻找厂长,要把上任不到一年的厂长宗珂俭抛进高达上千度的玻璃水中。工人们哪里知道,玻璃厂放水的决策是正确的,欠银行贷款1.4亿元,工厂再也承受不起生产一天亏损10万元的沉重包袱。镇赉县玻璃总厂是全民所有制中型企业,隶属于县工业总会,拥有固定资产3,076万元,在册职工1,817人,主要生产3—5mm 平板玻璃,年设计生产能力4万重箱。截止到1996年8月镇赉县审计局的审计结果,资产合计11,265.5万
May 7, 1995, is the days of nearly 2,000 workers in the Zhenlai County glass factory. On the day workers placed their glass water in front of the glass kilns where they lived, they watched the glass of hot water instead of being crystalized glass. Instead, they were forced to stop production without any funds because of lack of funds. The heart of the workers trembles, which means smashing their jobs. They put this account to the director of the head, roaring around looking for the director, less than a year to assume the factory director Jon Fijian thrown into the glass of water up to thousands of degrees. Where did the workers know, the decision of the glass factory to release water was correct. The bank owed 140 million yuan to the bank and the factory could no longer bear the heavy burden of losing 100,000 yuan a day in production. Zhenlai County Glass Factory is a mid-sized enterprise owned by the whole people. It is subordinate to the county industrial association. It owns 30.76 million yuan of fixed assets and 1,817 registered workers. It mainly produces 3-5mm flat glass and has an annual designed production capacity of 40,000 heavy boxes. As of August 1996 audit results of Zhenlai County Audit Office, the total assets of 112,665,000