美《医学论坛报》第21卷第21期(1980年)报道美国内华达州拉斯维加斯消息:据220名儿科医生的意见,监测糖尿病儿童的最好试验法是葡基化血红素测定。主持徵求儿科医生意见的蔡斯(H.Peter Chase)医生在美国儿科学院春季会议中接见记者时谈及一项尚未发表的结果时说,这种较新的血液试验可以典型地反映3个月的平均血糖水平,而不是一时的数值,比其他4种试验获得更多的好评,而被徵询的人从未将这种测验法列为第三位以下。被徵询意见者大多数是儿科糖尿病学专家,代表约100个医学院校。
21, No. 21, 1980 (USA) Medical Tribune Las Vegas, Nev., USA According to the opinion of 220 pediatricians, the best test for monitoring children with diabetes is gluconeo-hemoglobin . In an interview with a reporter at the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. H. Petter Chase, who chaired the consultation with pediatricians, said in an unpublished report that this newer blood test can typically reflect a three-month The average blood glucose level, rather than a one-hour number, gained more favorable reviews than the other four trials, and the consulted never ranked the test below the third. The majority of those sought were pediatric diabetic specialists representing about 100 medical schools.