在庆祝中国共产党成立80周年前夕,朝鲜邮电部出版发行了以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民三代伟人为图案的特种纪念邮票一套。三代领导人的中国巨画均由我国著名美术家赵华胜创作。 这套连体邮票的图案:第一枚,《江山多娇——毛泽东》。画面以长城为背景,中国第一代领导人毛泽东,坐在藤椅上,极目远眺,对构建新中国未来的宏伟蓝图充满了无限的希望,并配以激情澎湃的毛主席诗词《沁园春,雪》。第二枚,《世纪大潮——邓小平》。画面以波澜壮阔的大海为背景,海面上十二只海鸥高傲地飞翔。画面正中是改革开放的总设计师,中国第二代领导人邓小平,正神采奕奕.容光焕发地迎面走来,表现了他带领十二亿人民走向富强、繁荣的豪迈激情
On the eve of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, the North Korean Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications published and published a set of special commemorative stamps featuring the great three generations of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin. The Chinese giant paintings of the three generations of leaders were all produced by Zhao Huasheng, a famous artist in our country. This one-piece stamp design: the first one, “Jiangshan Jiaoiao - Mao Zedong.” Taking the Great Wall as a backdrop, Mao Tse-tung, China’s first generation leader, sat on a wicker chair and looked into it with great hope for the magnificent blueprint for building a new China. Together with his passionate Chairman Mao’s poem, Patio Spring, snow “. Second, ”the tide of the century - Deng Xiaoping." The picture is set against the background of the magnificent sea. Twelve seagulls fly proudly over the sea. In the middle of the screen is the chief architect of the reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping, the second-generation Chinese leader, is enjoying a radiant presence and demonstrating his heroic passion of bringing the 1.2 billion people to prosperity and prosperity.