《石油和化工设备》杂志由中国石油和化学工业联合会主管,中国化工机械动力技术协会主办,《石油和化工设备》杂志社有限公司出版,国内统一刊号:CN 11—5253/TQ,国际标准刊号:ISSN 1674-8980,月刊,大16开本,彩色封面,每期定价15元,全年定价180元。国内总发行:北京报刊发行局,邮发代号:82-610。国外总发行:中国国际图书贸易集团有限公司(北京399信箱),国外发行代号:BM8008。欢迎各单位和个人通过邮局或向编辑部直接订阅。
Petroleum and Chemical Equipment Magazine is sponsored by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, sponsored by China Chemical Industry Machinery Power Technology Association, published by Oil & Chemical Equipment Magazine Co., Ltd., domestic unified serial number: CN 11-5253 / TQ, International Standard serial number: ISSN 1674-8980, monthly, large 16 format, color cover, price of 15 yuan each issue, the annual price of 180 yuan. The total domestic distribution: Beijing Press and Publication Administration, postal code: 82-610. Foreign general distribution: China International Book Trading Group Co., Ltd. (Beijing 399 mailbox), foreign distribution code: BM8008. Welcome to all units and individuals through the post office or directly to the editorial subscription.