来源 :Journal of Hydrodynamics(Ser.B) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huimiandiadia
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Vegetation is an important feature of many rivers. Vegetation along rivers produces high resistance to flow and, as a result, has a large impact on water levels in rivers and lakes. The effects of instream-unsubmerged vegetat ion (such as the reed-similar Kalmus) on flow resistance and velocity distribut ions is studied in the paper. Artificial vegetation is used in the experimental study to simulate the Acorus Calmus L. As shown in experimental tests the re sist ance depends strongly on vegetation density and the Manning resistance coef ficient varies with the depth of flow. A simplified model based on concepts of d rag is developed to evaluate the roughness coefficient (Manning’s n) for no n-submerged vegetation. In vegetated channels the overall flow resistance is in fluenced significantly by the distribution pattern of the vegetated beds. Within vegetation, vertical variation in velocity is different from that in the non-v egetated bed, which reflects the variation in vegetation density. Vertical turbu lent transport of momentum is negligible as demonstrated by experiments. Vegetation is an important feature of many rivers. Vegetation along rivers produces high resistance to flow and, as a result, has a large impact on water levels in rivers and lakes. The effects of instream-unsubmerged vegetat ion (such as the reed-similar Kalmus) on flow resistance and velocity foliage is studied in the paper. Artificial vegetation is used in the experimental study to simulate the Acorus Calmus L. As shown in experimental tests the re sist ance depends strongly on vegetation density and the Manning resistance coef ficient varies with the depth of flow. A simplified model based on concepts of rag is developed to evaluate the roughness coefficient (Manning’s n) for no n-submerged vegetation. In vegetated channels the overall flow resistance is in fluenced significantly by the distribution pattern of the vegetated beds. Within vegetation, vertical variation in velocity is different from that in the non-v egetated bed, which reflects the variation in vegetation density. Vertical turbu lent transport of momentum is negligible as demonstrated by experiments.
在每次的旅行中,门环总是很吸引我的一个重要内容,行走中我们总会经过很多很多的门,尤其在古老的山西、安徽可以见到明清时期的老宅门环,北京胡同里也可以找到一些经历了风霜的老门环。  每当看到这一扇扇老门,一对对老门环,总会给我带来很多思考。它们虽然经过了漫漫长年的风吹日晒,铺首已经锈迹斑驳,但那圆圆的环扣却依然透露着无数人之手叩磨出的亮泽。    从古到今每一个门环背后都有着不同寻常的经历,叩响它仿佛
一般认为 Wernicke 脑病同维生素缺乏有关,临床上并不太少见。现我科所见2例报告如下。例1 女,58岁。1978年6月12日起觉周身不适、头晕、关节酸痛,到7月21日走路无力且摇摆
3.补体参加的试验:常用由补体引起的溶血和免疫粘附试验作为免疫学诊断。 (1)补体结合试验:颗粒性或可溶性抗原与相应抗体结合时形成的抗原、抗体复合物,可以固定补体。补体