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以事业为重,以艺术为伴,是一种生活方式。作为中国书法家协会会员、中国长城资产管理公司总裁汪兴益先生,他选择的正是这种生活方式。二十多年来,他将工作之余的大部分时间都奉献给了书法艺术,形成了自己的书法艺术风格。从他的书法作品中,人们获得的是一种挥洒的激情,但却分不清是笔墨之间挥洒着激情,还是将激情挥洒5在笔墨之间。其实,这正是魅力所在,也许这是他的书法以楷书、行书和草书见长的缘故,才得以行笔如风,激情四溢; 也许这是他对崇高事业的执着追求,把书法作为激情的一种燃烧方式;也许这 To career as the most, with art as a companion, is a way of life. As a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Mr. Wang Xingyi, president of China Great Wall Asset Management Corporation, chose this way of life. For more than two decades, he devoted much of his spare time to calligraphy and formed his own calligraphy style. From his calligraphic works, people get a swaying passion, but can not tell the difference between passionate brushstrokes, or passion 5. In fact, this is where the charm lies. Perhaps this is his calligraphy written, scripture and cursive know the reason, was able to write style, passion overflowing; perhaps this is his persistent pursuit of lofty cause, calligraphy as a passion A way of burning; maybe this
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