
来源 :中国法律 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfg4g4354yh
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進入新世紀以來,我國在政治、經濟、社會體制等方面的改革穩步推進,取得了卓有成效的長足進步。我國正處於社會轉型階段,面臨轉型期的複雜經濟形勢,必須牢固深化經濟體制改革的決心,緊緊圍繞使市場在資源配置中起決定性作用來推進改革,堅持和完善基本經濟制度,加快完善現代市場體系、宏觀調控體系、開放型經濟體系。當中尤其要不斷建立健全完善、成熟的現代金融體系和配套的法律規律體系, Since the beginning of the new century, our country has made steady progress in political, economic and social reforms and has made remarkable progress in making fruitful achievements. As China is in the process of social transformation and facing the complicated economic situation during the transition period, we must firmly deepen our determination on the reform of the economic structure and focus on making the market play a decisive role in the allocation of resources so as to promote the reform, maintain and improve the basic economic system and accelerate the improvement of the modern Market system, macro-control system, open economy system. In particular, it is necessary to constantly establish and improve a sound and mature modern financial system and supporting legal system,
我和同学商量好,去卖报纸,把卖报的钱捐给贫困山区的小伙伴们。  那天,烈日炎炎,树上的叶子纹丝不动。一大早,我们起床,去报亭取来报纸。八点半,大家集合在一起,开始卖报。  我们高声喊着:“卖报,卖报!”此起彼伏的吆喝声引来不少行人。可是,很久都没人买。好不容易来了一位老奶奶,买了一张报纸,给了我们一点希望。  一个小时过去,我们的嗓子都喊哑了。队长看到我们又累又渴,让我们去办公室喝点水,歇一歇。我