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“八五”即将结束。回顾过去五年,我们欣喜地看到,在邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义理论和党的十四大精神指引下,我省各族人民围绕建立社会主义市场经济体制,团结一心,奋发努力,在经济改革和社会发展方面取得了重大进展,人民生活水平有了新的提高,经济发展的软环境也有了较大的改善。——价格改革从调整不合理的比价关系逐步向转换价格形成机制过渡,商品价格基本实现了由国家定价为主转到市场形成为主。——财税体制改革基本实现了新旧体制的平稳转换,以增值税为主的新税制已经实施,对改善我省财政状况产生了积极影响。1994年财政收入实现62.62亿元,是1990年的1.83倍,平均增长16.27%,完成“八五”计划的131.28%。——金融体制的改革,正在按照政策性和商业性业务分离的原则逐步实施,金融机构及其业务进一步向多元化发展。宏观能力明显提高,信货规模逐步扩大,到1994年底,全省金融机构货款余额为434.11亿元,是1990年的2.1倍,年均增长20.58%。 “Eighth ” is coming to an end. Recalling the past five years, we are delighted to see that under the guidance of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and the 14th CPC National Spirit, people of all ethnic groups in our province, around the establishment of a socialist market economic system, are united in their efforts, Significant progress has been made in economic reform and social development. People’s living standards have been greatly improved, and the soft environment for economic development has also been greatly improved. - The price reform has gradually shifted from the unreasonable parity relationship to the conversion price formation mechanism. The basic realization of commodity prices has shifted from the national pricing system to the market-based one. - The fiscal and taxation system basically achieved the smooth transition of old and new systems. The new tax system based on value added tax has been implemented and has a positive impact on the improvement of the financial status of our province. In 1994, its revenue was 6.262 billion yuan, 1.83 times that of 1990, with an average increase of 16.27% and 131.28% of the “85” plan completed. - The reform of the financial system is being gradually implemented in accordance with the principle of separation of policy and commercial businesses, and the financial institutions and their businesses are further diversified. By the end of 1994, the loan balance of financial institutions in the province was 43.411 billion yuan, 2.1 times that of 1990, with an average annual increase of 20.58%.
当前,由于会计人员素质不高、会计环境欠完善、社会中介机构监督不力、相关部门执法不严等原因,造成了一系列会计信息失真的案例,在某种程度上成为会计行业的一种顽疾。 At
据有关人士调查分析,目前国内消费市场出现了五冷五热: 一、购买大件冷、债券保险热。居民对购买大件耐用消费品采取审慎态度,存款的增加,储蓄利息的调低,使债券和保险成了