包裹肥料 ,是在生产中将尿素、重过磷酸钙、氯化钾 (硫酸钾 )用稀硫酸作粘合剂 ,外涂钙镁磷肥作包衣生产的专用肥料 ,肥料施入土壤后由于包衣的作用 ,溶解缓慢 ,肥效持久。通过改进包衣原料配比 ,将粉状磷酸一铵掺入钙镁磷肥中 ,解决了作物营养临界期中磷、氮营养元素的供给 ,使包裹肥料既速效又持久 ,提高了包裹肥肥效。
Package fertilizer is the production of urea, heavy superphosphate, potassium chloride (potassium sulfate) with dilute sulfuric acid as a binder, coated with calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer for the production of special fertilizer, fertilizer applied to the soil after the package The role of clothing, dissolve slowly, long-lasting fertilizer. By improving the ratio of coating raw materials, the powdered ammonium mono-phosphate is incorporated into the calcium-magnesium phosphate to solve the supply of phosphorus and nitrogen nutrients in the critical period of crop nutrition so that the coated fertilizer can be both quick and long-lasting, and the fertilizer efficiency of the package is increased.