近日,陈兆祦总编送我一本由何嘉荪主编的《档案管理理论与实践》大作,数日喜阅,捧读之下,浮想联翩,今匆匆成文,作为上一篇文章《润物细无声——档案管理学的创建与发展说明了什么》的续篇。 一、观点新颖,时代气息较浓 早就传闻杭州大学历史系何嘉荪副教授要出版一本档案管理学方面的著作,我曾几次去我院资料室查询此书,均未果,直到最近才如愿以偿。这部书不仅字数多(是迄今为止档案管理学方面字数最多的一部,全书共有43.5万字),而且在内容上有新探索,在体系上有新突破。正如陈兆祦在该书的序中所说的那样:“由何嘉荪主编的《档案管理理论与实践》,在目前已经出版的众多的档案管理学著作中,是比较成功的一部”,“读来仍有面目一新之感”。那么,这本书到底有哪些特色呢?
Recently, Chen Zhaoxu, the editor-in-chief, sent me a masterpiece of “Archives Management Theory and Practice”, edited by He Jiasun for a few days. Under the slogan of reading, - Archives management of the creation and development of what explains “sequel. First, the point of view novel, the atmosphere of the times has long been rumors rumors of Hangzhou University, Department of History, Associate Professor Ho Ka Sun to publish a book on the management of literature, I have on several occasions to our hospital reference room for this book, failed, until recently only got his wish. This book not only has a large number of words (it is the largest number in terms of archives management so far), and the book has a total of 435,000 words. There is also a new exploration in content and a new breakthrough in the system. As Chen Zhaoyu said in the preface of the book, ”The theory and practice of file management“ edited by Ho Ka Sun is one of the most successful books in the field of archives management that has been published so far. There is still a new look. ” So, what are the characteristics of this book?