
来源 :中央音乐学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zgbian
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这些年来国内很兴起一阵“第一热”。热心的作者在报刊上发表文章,有的还写成书,列举中国古往今来各方面走在时代前头的人物。中国第一个什么,或者中国最早的什么什么,首先做出了什么什么,总之是用真凭实据指出中华民族是优秀的民族,中国的月亮同外国的月亮一样圆,有时还要比外国的更圆。这对那些民族虚无主义者,崇洋媚外者,真的好比是当头棒喝。用心是非常好的,值得感谢的。不过既然有名有姓的举出来,就一 In recent years, there has been a rise in China, “the first hot.” Enthusiastic authors published articles in newspapers and periodicals, and some also wrote books that listed the people in various parts of China from the past to the present era. What is the first of China or what is the earliest of China? First of all, what has been done? In short, the Chinese nation is an outstanding nation based on genuine evidence. China’s moon is as circular as the moon of the foreign country and sometimes more round than that of a foreign country . This is for those nihilists, extravagant, really like a surprise. Intentions are very good, it is worth to thank. However, since there is a famous surname out, just one