After reading the 2012 Guangxi University of Finance and Economics Journal “National Culture Industry Research ” a new section of the article, the feeling. First of all, it studies and reveals the basic connotation of culture, culture and culture industrialization. Then, based on the party’s 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), proposed strategic decision and its macroscopic requirements for blueprint design and program of action for strengthening and promoting the building of socialist culture, The trend of the study has been explained in three aspects, pointing out that the problem of studying culture should not be grasped by small-scale, but less by the study of material culture but by the study of light spiritual culture and thick business culture and less by public interest Misleading objects misleading. The building of a cultural power includes all aspects, and promoting spiritual culture is the top priority of the study of Chinese culture. The scientific, dominating, and macroscopical trend of this research trend can not be ignored without any doubt. This is precisely the aspect of studying and comprehensively To Carry out and Carry out the Best Understanding of the 18th National Congress of the CPC.