Ethical and Social Values in Business Administration and Management Studies

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  The objective of this research was to analyze the impact of the learning process in business administration and management of students’ values, through the application of factor analysis to the information obtained in a survey consisting of students in the first and fifth year of studies. The study derived the following conclusions: First, students bring a value-oriented education that is consolidated and strengthened during their studies; and Second, the set of values that are identified could be classified as moral values and action-oriented values related to decision-making. The results of this research work will help to review the competencies as defined in degrees and different courses, as well as establish better mechanisms, so that the university can become an instrument of social transformation.
  Keywords: values, higher education, research
  The university has at least three functions: educational, social and knowledge generating. Carrying out these functions involves a social transformation due to the influence it has on students and society in general, which then promotes a series of values.
  This study has helped analyze the current debates and discussions about the word “value” which is assessed from three basic points of view: the ethical-philosophical dimension, the economic dimension and the psychological dimension. It is not, however, intended to be a bibliographical review of the word, instead, it aims to identify the basic concepts to be considered and what has guided the study.
  Rokeach (1973) defined “value” as an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state existence.
  The father of American humanism, Maslow (1991), also defined values and tried to analyze the humanistic and personal side of psychology, which led him to develop the so-called needs of a human being, self-actualization and development. These needs are fulfilled by taking into consideration a series of values which he summarized as realism, acceptance, spontaneity, intimacy, independence, optimism, humility and creativity.
  Different theories have identified an axiological problem, namely, whether the value lies within or outside the human being. In other words, whether the human being creates a value or discovers it. According to
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  Appendix A
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