【摘 要】
The U.S.-China trade war is like a game of monopoly with your in-laws; it might seem like a good idea at first, but there are no real winners in the end.
【机 构】
China/Asia Pacific strategy and global digital practices at consulting firm Tompkins International“,
The U.S.-China trade war is like a game of monopoly with your in-laws; it might seem like a good idea at first, but there are no real winners in the end.
In the 30
Li Zhi got two job offers before he even fi-nished his master's degree at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, one of China's top universities in Beij
The central parity rate of the yuan weakened 43 basis points to 7.0039 against the U.S. dollar on August 8, closing lower for the sixth consecutive day and reac
2月27日A股重挫8%,而后这个消息便影响了全球股市,尤以亚太区为甚。中国香港、印度甚至新加坡都出现了10%以上的连续下跌,到3月5日都没有停下来的征兆。可见股市变化有时没有任何预警或征兆。因此有必要谈谈投资的出发点。 基本面是出发点 以现在为例,A股市场先传出政策面的传言,然后出现部分机构及个人的信心动摇,同时大盘重挫之后使技术面走差,几方面因素叠加在一起影响股市。所以即使国务院出面
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