365名长期接触一氧化碳的工人心电检查,并对作业场所空气中一氧化碳的浓度进行了监测,结果如下:一、对象和方法1.受检对象:365名受检者均为某化肥厂长期接触一氧化碳的造气、碳化、合成、空分车间的氮肥作业工人。其中男工占83.3%;平均年龄30.8岁,平均氮肥作业工龄8.2年。此外, 选择同厂不接触生产性有害因素的35名辅助车间工人为对照,其中男工29名,女工6名,男工占82.8%,平均年龄39.3岁。
365 long-term exposure to carbon monoxide ECG, and the concentration of workplace carbon monoxide was monitored, the results are as follows: First, the object and method 1. Subject: 365 subjects were a fertilizer plant long-term exposure Carbon monoxide gasification, carbonization, synthesis, air separation plant nitrogen fertilizer workers. Male workers accounted for 83.3%; the average age of 30.8 years old, the average working age of nitrogen fertilizer 8.2 years. In addition, we selected 35 auxiliary workshop workers who did not contact with the production-related harmful factors as control. Among them, 29 were male workers, 6 were female workers and 82.8% were male workers, with an average age of 39.3 years.