Dominant penicillin, the dominant species that dominates the use of antibiotics, accounts for about 8% of the total pharmaceutical business in China. The international market of raw materials to reduce the pharmaceutical industry, the export situation improved significantly; manufacturers in short supply of raw materials, finished product prices picked up again. Since the beginning of summer in 1992, the international market is even more abrupt, with further tightening of sources of supply and further price increases. The current market price is stable at 0.32 to 0.33 yuan. In the past, a large number of sources of loose marketing of penicillin today’s sudden turnaround suddenly popular, the major manufacturers of residential offices is basically closed down, and some have been south to the north, the just-concluded National camphor tree medicine fair did not show up. As far as the three-tier pharmaceutical business is concerned, stocks of 800,000 units and 1.6 million units of pharmaceutical preparations have been off-loaded, and the prices have not been able to drop in place.