
来源 :现代医药卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sjhung888
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鼻咽癌是我国常见恶性肿瘤之一,世界上80%的病例发生在我国,高发于我国华南地区。CT扫描能清楚显示鼻咽部的正常解剖和软组织病变,能够显示病变向深层、黏膜下侵犯的情况,增强CT扫描能提高病灶的检出率,发现颈部淋巴结和了解肿瘤及转移淋巴结与血管的关系。MRI具有良好的软组织分辨力,可清楚显示鼻咽部的正常结构和肿瘤范围。本文就近年来 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is one of the most common malignant tumors in our country. About 80% of the cases in our country occur in our country and high in southern China. CT scan can clearly show the normal anatomy and soft tissue lesions of the nasopharynx, can show the invasion of lesions to the deep, submucosal enhanced CT scan can increase the detection rate of lesions and neck lymph nodes and understanding of the tumor and metastatic lymph nodes and blood vessels Relationship. MRI has good soft tissue resolution, can clearly show the normal structure of the nasopharynx and tumor range. This article in recent years
关于高中生活,老爸常有“怪论”。幸亏有了这个老爸,大大的高考小了,被一叶遮蔽的世界大了。自从我考入长郡,我们家就同很多家庭一样,举家搬迁到了学校附近。高考当然是首要任务,可我们的生活并不唯有高考,它丰富着呢!  老爸说,要高考,也要健康。上周他就带我去参加了全市自行车环湘江赛——虽说没取得名次,但父子兵玩得很嗨!  老爸说,要高考,也要娱乐。本周末他奖励我去看3D大片《火星救援》——这次期中考试,