黑色经济是指犯罪人员所掌控的黑色资本的增值与再增值的过程和活动。黑社会的存 在完全依赖于黑色经济,而黑社会组织的存在又为黑色经济提供了发展的载体,两者是一种相互依 存、相互促进的关系。黑色经济的状况与其发展的程度,可以作为黑社会组织发展状况的进度标尺。 认清两者的关系,有利于加深对黑社会的认识,也是根治黑社会所必不可少的课题。
The black economy refers to the process and activities of value-added and re-value-added of black capitals controlled by criminals. The existence of triads depends entirely on the black economy, and the existence of triad societies provides the carrier of development for the black economy. The two are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. The status of the black economy and the extent of its development can serve as a yardstick for progress in the development of triad societies. A clear understanding of the relationship between the two is conducive to deepening the understanding of the triad society and is also an indispensable issue for the cure of triad society.