目的了解耐多药肺结核服药依从性状况及原因。方法采用自制调查表和Morisky依从性量表获取信息,采用χ2检验、Fisher概率法及描述性统计分析进行统计分析。结果参与调查的59例MDR-TB患者中,依从性差组为30例,占58.85%,依从性正常组29例,占41.15%。影响服药依从性的主要因素为年龄、受教育程度等(P<0.05)及健康教育。结论 MDR-TB患者不规则服药受多种因素影响,应加强各方面督导,提高服药依从性。
Objective To understand the compliance status and causes of MDR-TB treatment. Methods Self-made questionnaires and Morisky compliance questionnaires were used to obtain information, and statistical analysis was performed using χ2 test, Fisher’s Probability Test and descriptive statistical analysis. Results Among the 59 MDR-TB patients surveyed, 30 patients (58.85%) had poor compliance and 29 (19.15%) patients had normal compliance. The main factors affecting medication compliance were age, education level (P <0.05) and health education. Conclusion Irregular medication in patients with MDR-TB is affected by many factors, and supervision should be strengthened in all aspects to improve medication adherence.