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基于电场-化学场-机械场耦合作用机理,采用数值模拟方法,建立了RC模拟电路,分析了IPMC在外加电压场作用下模拟参数对电流和电流积分的影响;采用标准三参数模型模拟Nafion膜线黏弹性力学行为,得到了随时间衰减的杨氏模量表达式。分析结果表明:膜内电流积分是一个决定性因素,它直接控制着膜内钠离子的迁移运动;电容增大时,膜内电流积分增大,从而加速了膜内钠离子的迁移运动,同时宏观位移也随之增大;电阻增大时,膜内电流积分与宏观位移均随之减小。引入静电应力作为初始应力,对悬臂梁挠曲变形进行了细观分析,结果表明其最大挠曲变形的旋转角可达到24°。 Based on the mechanism of electric field - chemical field - mechanical field coupling, the RC simulation circuit was established by numerical simulation method. The influence of the simulation parameters on current and current integration under the applied voltage field was analyzed. The standard three - parameter model was used to simulate the Nafion membrane The viscoelastic behavior of the line, the Young’s modulus expression that decays over time is obtained. The results show that the integral of the current in the membrane is a decisive factor, which directly controls the movement of sodium ions in the membrane. When the capacitance increases, the current integral in the membrane increases, which accelerates the migration of sodium ions in the membrane, Displacement also increases; resistance increases, the membrane current integral and the macroscopic displacement are reduced. The electrostatic stress was introduced as the initial stress, and the micro-analysis of the flexural deformation of the cantilever beam was carried out. The results show that the maximum deflection angle can reach 24 °.
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神经源性肺水肿4例报告任香兰,银春,陈福琼,戴琼英(四川省绵阳市第四人民医院神经内科,绵阳621000)中图号R563.3神经源性肺水肿(neurogenicpulmonaryedema,NPE)又称中枢性肺水肿,突然起病,病情重,进展快,死亡率高,... Neurogenic Pu
虽然 Jackson 氏早在1888年已生动地描写过自动症、梦样状态、幻听、幻视、幻嗅等属于目前所谓颞叶癫痫的症状,但是,对于颞叶癫痫的重砚和深入地研究只是近年来的事情 Gib-b
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