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一、迪庆文化旅游产业的发展概况迪庆作为旅游资源丰富和民族历史文化底蕴深厚独特的区域,选择旅游业作为龙头产业和支柱产业的发展模式证明是成功的。从1997年向世人传递“香格里拉就在迪庆”的信息开始,迪庆步入文化旅游互动发展时期,借助“香格里拉”、三江并流世界自然遗产等品牌的带动效应,开发出了相当数量的具有民族特色、地域特色 I. Development Overview of Diqing Culture and Tourism Industry Diqing, as a unique and unique area rich in tourism resources and ethnic historical and cultural heritage, has proved successful in choosing the development mode of tourism as the leading industry and pillar industry. From the beginning of 1997, “Di Shangri-La Di Di” was delivered to the world. Diqing stepped into an interactive period of cultural and tourism development. With the help of “Shangri-La” and the natural heritage of Sanjiang A considerable number of ethnic characteristics, geographical features
自行车时代,回家的时候如同切割一堆目光的扫描,你的一举一动,你带来的朋友,你自行车上驮着的东西,都要经过邻居的扫描。如今。你若是住在高层,你每天出入小区时。暴露给邻居目光的时间,可能就是从电梯下到车库的片刻。然后只要钻进车里,就有了屏蔽。    1901年,中国历史上第一辆进口汽车登陆上海滩。1902年1月,上海公共租界工部局颁出临时牌照,准许车辆上路,每月缴纳税金2银元。从此,中国有了汽车的概念