水稻部分 1.钾肥对水稻的增产效果 根据现有材料,水稻在施有机肥和氮、磷化肥的基础上,每亩施用10—20斤氯化钾或硫酸钾,都有良好效果。 早稻198个试验,增产的有151个(平产的3个,减产的44个),占76.3%。其中增产5%以下的有52个,增产5—10%的有46个,增产10—20%的有37个,增产20%以上的有16个;平均每亩增产69.85斤,增8.97%;斤肥增产3.99斤,每斤氯化钾增产4.26斤,每斤硫酸钾增产2.55斤。
Rice Part 1. Potassium Fertilizer Effect on Rice Based on available materials, rice has good effect on applying 10-20 kg potassium chloride or potassium sulfate per acre on the basis of organic manure and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. In the 198 trials of early rice, there were 151 (yielding 3 and yield reduction 44), accounting for 76.3%. Among them, 52 were increased by 5% or less, 46 increased by 5-10%, 37 increased by 10-20% and 16 increased by 20% or more. The average yield per mu was 69.85 kg or 8.97% Kg yield 3.99 kg, kg of potassium chloride yield 4.26 kg, kg of potassium sulfate yield 2.55 kg.