苯乙醇广泛存在于天然的玫瑰油及橙花油等中,因结构简单[1]; (?)—CH_2—CH_2—OH合成较易,具有玫瑰芳香,被大量用于香料工业中作原料,为玫瑰系调合香料之主要成分,因为对硷稳定,所以是肥皂香料的重要原料。 在1876年Radziszewski首先用钠汞(钅齐)还原苯乙醛而制得苯乙醇,因为香料工业
Phenylethyl alcohol is widely present in natural rose oil and neroli oil due to its simple structure [1]; (?) - CH 2 -CH 2 -OH is more easily synthesized and has rose aroma and is widely used in the perfumery industry as a raw material, Rose is the main component of spices, because the stability of alkaline, it is an important raw material of soap spices. In 1876, Radziszewski first used phenylacetaldehyde to reduce phenylacetaldehyde with sodium and mercury (Mercury) to produce phenylethyl alcohol because the perfumery industry