
来源 :资源与人居环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouyong
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一个大国发展需要有个魂,科学发展观就是魂:有了魂就需要有个方向,这便是可持续发展战略:有了方向就需要有行动机制去完成,这便是以科学发展观为指导对现行的法律与体制进行的变革;而支撑这一变革、贯彻这一理念的,是一套新政策。在环境保护方面,就是要推行环境经济政策。这是指按照市场经济规律的要求,运用价格、税收、财政、信贷、收费、保险等经济手段,调节或影响市场主体的行为,以实现经济建 The development of a big power needs a soul, the scientific concept of development is the soul: the soul needs a direction, this is the strategy of sustainable development: the direction needs to have an operational mechanism to complete, this is the scientific concept of development Guide the reform of existing laws and institutions; and support this change and implement this idea is a new set of policies. In environmental protection, it is necessary to implement environmental economic policies. This means that in accordance with the requirements of the law of the market economy, economic activities such as price, taxation, finance, credit, fees and insurance are used to regulate or influence the behavior of market players in order to achieve economic development
大型磷复肥喷浆造粒干燥装置上实现全内返料技术是当前研究的主要方向。 Large-scale phosphate compound fertilizer spray granulation drying device to achieve the ent
一、引言 InGaAsP/InP-DH-LED现已用于长波长光纤通信系统。由于在1.3μm波长附近石英光纤具有较低的损耗,并处于零色散点附近,在传输距离上远比短波长GaAlAs/GaAs-DH-LED远
目前 ,做为长江泥沙的主要来源地 ,长江上游水土流失重点防治区陡坡耕地退耕还林还草已达 70 %以上。据水利部提供的消息 ,目前长江上中游陡坡耕地面积约1 0 0 0万hm2 ,占现有
Objective: To investigate the change of the cell cycle, apoptosis and radiosensitivity effect by CoCl2 induced hypoxia in esophageal cancer line Eca109 cells in