
来源 :城市建设理论研究(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangzhouzhoudaojun
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随着社会的不断发展,我国城市水利在设计以及建设过程中对于生态环境的破坏还是比较大的,这对于我国生态平衡的维护是极为不利的。因此相关人员必须加强对其的重视,积极的采取措施降低城市水利设计以及施工对于城市生态的损害,在城市水利建设过程中时刻以维护生态环境为重要前提,这对于城市可持续发展目的的实现有着极为重要的意义。 With the continuous development of society, the destruction of ecological environment in the design and construction of urban water conservancy in China is still relatively large, which is extremely unfavorable to the maintenance of ecological balance in our country. Therefore, relevant personnel must pay more attention to it, proactively take measures to reduce the urban water conservancy design and the damage to the urban ecology. In the process of urban water conservancy, it is an important prerequisite to maintain the ecological environment, which is the realization of the goal of urban sustainable development Has a very important meaning.