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随着现代企业制度的建立和完善,职工董事、监事制度正在被越来越多的企业推行。要想充分发挥这项制度的作用,把企业民主管理、民主监督落到实处,就必须提高认识,健全制度,强化素质。提高认识是基础发挥职工董事、监事的作用要从完善现代企业制度、协调劳动关系、加强现代管理等方面加深认识。其一,必须认识到职工代表进入董事会、监事会是结构调整和制度创新条件下企业领导体制和组织管理制度改革的重要内容,是维护职工合法权益,协调和处理好劳动关系的重要制度保证。同时,公司治理结构中不同利益主体之间目标和价值取向的不同,决定了董事会和监事会中必须要有代表和维护职工合法权益的职工董事和职工监事。传统理论认为,在公司治理结构中,股东大会与董事会,董事会和高层经理人员之间各自追求的目标是不同的。目标追求和价值取向的不对称等问题始终是公司治理结构要着力解决的问题。传统理论没有或比较少地注意到 With the establishment and improvement of the modern enterprise system, the system of employee directors and supervisors is being promoted by more and more enterprises. If we want to give full play to the role of this system and carry out the democratic management and democratic supervision of enterprises, we must raise our awareness, improve the system and enhance the quality. Awareness-raising is based on giving full play to the role of staff directors and supervisors. We should deepen our understanding of improving the modern enterprise system, coordinating labor relations, and strengthening modern management. First, we must recognize that employee representatives enter the board of directors and the supervisory board is an important part of the reform of the enterprise’s leadership system and organizational management system under the conditions of structural adjustment and system innovation. It is also an important institutional guarantee for safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers and coordinating and handling labor relations. At the same time, the differences in the goals and values ​​between different stakeholders in the corporate governance structure determine the employee directors and employee supervisors who must be represented in the board of directors and the supervisory board and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees. The traditional theory holds that in the structure of corporate governance, the goals pursued by the shareholders’ general meeting and the board of directors, the board of directors and senior managers are different. The pursuit of goals and the asymmetry of value orientation and other issues has always been to solve the problem of corporate governance structure. The traditional theory has no or less noticed
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