Israel, in the outside world, has always been a distant and mysterious country. Real Israel is just a small Mediterranean with a population of eight million. With the exception of the disputed territory, Israel has a slightly larger area than Beijing and the complexity of contemporary Israeli social culture goes far beyond the description in the Bible. The founding of modern Israel in 1948, and in the biblical times, after the heyday of King David and King Solomon, the kingdom of Israel was divided into the Kingdom of Israel, the capital of Samarkand in the north, the kingdom of Judah, the capital of the south in Jerusalem, As the center of the southern kingdom to abide religious traditions, the northern Samaritan tribes of ten tribes and live the peaceful life of the secular life .West and sea, changing circumstances, after two thousand years of endangerment and finally returned to promised land Jews, somewhere, still practice the difference between religion and secular North-South, an international journalist who might have reported in the early morning of religious extremism, conflict and division in southern Jerusalem, and sat in the afternoon