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教员是院校培养人才的主力军.提高武警院校教员队伍的整体素质,始终是院校全面建设极其重要的组成部分.因此,加强教员队伍建设,提高队伍整体素质,对于一个院校来讲,怎么强调也不过分.正如邓小平同志所指出的:“一个学校能不能为社会主义建设培养合格人才,培养德智体全面发展,有社会主义觉悟的有文化的劳动者,关键在教师.”建院15年来,我院教员以无私奉献的精神,殚精竭虑,教书育人,为武警部队培养了5000多名学员,这是一个了不起的成绩,没有我们这支队伍,没有教员同志的辛勤劳动,学院的建设和发展就无从谈起.然而,我们正面临体制任务调整的新时期,我们所处的时代正是世纪之交的关键时刻.从我们队伍的现状看,也正处于新老交替、承前启后的关键时刻.抓紧教员队伍培养,提高全面素质,以崭新的面貌进入21世纪,是摆在院党委和各级领导面前紧迫而艰巨的任务.我们必须以只争朝夕的精神,抓住机遇,调整结构,加强培训,提高素质,为21世纪储备优秀人才. Faculty members are the main force in cultivating talents in colleges and universities.Improving the overall quality of instructors in armed police academies and universities is always an extremely important part in the overall construction of colleges and universities.Therefore, to strengthen faculty building and improve the overall quality of the team, , As emphasized by Comrade Deng Xiaoping: “Whether a school can cultivate qualified personnel for the construction of socialism and cultivate a literate laborer with all-round development in moral, physical, and socialistic consciousness is the key to teachers.” In the past 15 years since the founding of the hospital, our faculty members have devoted themselves to teaching and educating people with a spirit of selfless dedication. They have trained over 5,000 students for the Armed Police Forces. This is a remarkable accomplishment. Without our hard work and without the hard work of our comrades, However, we are facing a new era in which the tasks of the system have been adjusted. The time we live in is the crucial moment for the turn of the century. From the point of view of the current situation of our contingent, we are now in the midst of new and old, The crucial moment for the succession of the past and the reform of the contingent of teachers should be intensified to raise the overall quality and to enter the 21st century with a brand new look. And arduous task. We have the spirit of seizing the day, seize the opportunity to adjust the structure, strengthen training, improve quality, outstanding talent pool for the 21st century.
孙青瑜,中国作协会员,河南省文学院签约作家,鲁迅文学高级研究生班21届学员。2002年开始文学创作,现已在《钟山》《文学报》《文艺报》《上海文学》《北京文学》《文艺评论》《长江a文艺》《山花》等刊上发表小说和文学评论百余篇。文章曾被《中篇小说月报》《长江文艺·好小说》《杂文月刊》《小品文选刊》等转载,并收入不少选本和书集。曾获第二届孙犁文学奖,《莽原》2014年度文学奖。  一  程家离马家画廊很
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