宽甸县毛甸子满族乡,近几年来,—每年植树造林都在4500亩以上,成活率95%以上,造林标准高,质量好。1988、1989连续两年荣获丹东市、宽甸县人民政府“兴林杯”奖。 一是领导蹲点。从1988年以来,每到造林季节,这个乡党委书记、乡长等主要领导,就亲自下乡蹲点抓造林。在抓点时还一人包一块重点地块,从整地到栽植一包到底,并且到第一线上亲自干。
In recent years, the annual afforestation is more than 4500 mu, the survival rate is above 95%, the afforestation standard is high and the quality is good. 1988,1989 won two consecutive years Dandong City, Kuandian County People’s Government “Xinglin Cup” award. First, the leadership of the months. Since 1988, every afforestation season, the township party secretary, mayor and other major leaders personally go to the countryside to spend time in grasping afforestation. At the time of the arrest, we also pack a piece of key land, from planting to planting a bag in the end, and to the first line to do it in person.