山药又名薯蓣,为一年生草本植物,是原产我国的古老蔬菜,地下块茎是主要食用器官,耐贮耐运、营养丰富、菜药兼用,为我国大众化的滋补食品。种植山药一般亩产2000~3000公斤,高者亩产5000公斤以上;亩收入4000~6000元。其主要栽培技术如下: 一、整地做畦施基肥宜选地势高燥、肥沃疏松、水系配套的沙壤土种植,利于块茎生长、形正、光滑、根痕小。冬前或早春挖栽植沟,宽20~25厘米,深80~100厘米。土壤经冻融熟化后,于春季随解冻随
Yam, also known as yam, is an annual herb, is the ancient Chinese native vegetables, underground tubers are the main edible organs, storage and transportation tolerance, nutrient-rich, both vegetable and medicine for our popular nourishing food. General yam planting 2000-2000 kg per mu, the highest yield more than 5000 kg; mu income 4000 ~ 6000 yuan. The main cultivation techniques are as follows: First, the soil preparation 畦 Shi base fertilizer should choose high terrain, fertile loose, water supporting sandy loam planting, conducive to tuber growth, shape is, smooth, small root marks. Planting ditches before winter or early spring, width 20 ~ 25 cm, depth 80 ~ 100 cm. Soil after freezing and thawing, with the thaw in the spring with