药品不良反应监察 ( Adverse Drug ReationsMonitoring,ADRM)工作已得到世界卫生组织和各国医药界的重视 ,一致认为它对于研制安全有效的药物、减少药源性疾病、提高医疗质量都具有十分重要的意义〔1〕。近年我院每年经审批采购的新药品种有 1 0 0多种 ,临床药品不良反应发生率
The work of Adverse Drug Reactions Monitoring (ADRM) has gained the attention of the World Health Organization (WHO) and various countries in the pharmaceutical industry. It is agreed that it is of great significance for the development of safe and effective drugs, reducing drug-induced diseases and improving medical quality [ 1〕. In recent years, our hospital purchases more than 100 kinds of new drugs every year. The incidence of adverse reactions to clinical drugs