化学感受器瘤又称非嗜铬性副神经节瘤,98%发生在颈动脉体和颈静脉体,原发于肺者罕见,国内仅见2例报告。我们诊治一例,报告如下: 患者男性,20岁,四川人,住院号71645。五个月前出现左胸隐痛,与咳嗽、与呼吸无关。当地医院X线摄片发现左肺下叶块影,而于1985年4月11日入我院手术治疗。体检:体温36.7℃,脉搏70次/分,呼吸18次/分,血压122/68mmHg。一般情况良好,左胸稍饱满,无压痛及叩击痛,未闻啰音。血管性杂音及胸膜摩擦音。常规化验无异常,心电图正常。X线片见左肺下部外带有一圆形块影,密度均匀,边缘光滑,直径约4cm,下缘贴近左膈面,深呼吸时肿块形态不发生变化,诊断为肺良性肿瘤。1985年4月17日在气管内麻醉下行剖胸探查术,见肿块位于左肺下
Chemoreceptor tumors, also known as non-chromatid paraganglioma, occur in 98% of carotid bodies and jugular veins, and are rare in primary lungs. Only 2 cases have been reported in China. We diagnosed and treated a case with the following report: The patient was male, 20 years old, Sichuanese, hospital number 71645. Left chest pain occurred five months ago, not related to cough or breathing. Local hospital X-ray findings of the left lower lobe shadow, and in April 11, 1985 into our hospital for surgery. Physical examination: body temperature 36.7°C, pulse 70 beats/min, breathing 18 beats/min, blood pressure 122/68 mmHg. In general, the left chest is full, no tenderness and percussion pain, and no vocalization is heard. Vascular murmurs and pleural fricatives. No abnormalities were detected in routine tests and ECG was normal. The X-ray film showed a round block with a uniform density, smooth edges, and a diameter of about 4 cm. The lower edge of the X-ray film was close to the left temporal surface. The shape of the tumor did not change during deep breathing and was diagnosed as benign lung tumor. Tracheotomy underneath the tracheal anesthesia on April 17, 1985, with a lump under the left lung