1897年4月28日(清光绪二十三年三月二十七日),叶剑英出生在广东省梅县雁洋堡下虎形村一个小商人家庭,父亲叶钻祥经营小本生意,但家境十分贫寒。叶剑英7岁那年,父亲送他到雁洋堡钟傲泉、古玉泉私塾读书,但这种私塾教育受到新学的强大冲击,当时梅县开设了不少新式学堂,1905年叶剑英进入了雁洋堡办起的初级小学怀新学堂,开始接受新式教育。 在怀新学堂读书时,他刻苦勤奋,放学时,常常一边参加家务劳动,一边复习功课。家里买不起灯油,他就从山上砍一种野生的细竹,加工成“竹精子”,用来点灯照明,有时“竹精子”燃烧时爆裂的火星,烧焦了他的头发,他仍旧在灯下耐心地苦读。业余时间他十分喜爱体育运动。
April 28, 1897 (Qing Emperor Guangxu twenty-three years March 27), Ye Jianying was born in Meixian County, Guangdong Province Yan Yangpu Huge village of a small businessman family, his father Ye drilling operating small business, but the family Very poor. Ye Jianying 7 years old, his father sent him to the Aoyanbao Zhong Aoquan, the ancient Yuquan private school, but this private school education by the powerful impact of new learning, Meixian opened a lot of new style school, Ye Jianying in 1905 entered the Yan Yang Bao Office Beginning of elementary primary school new school, began to accept the new education. When he was studying in the new school, he worked diligently and often attended schoolwork while reviewing his homework. He could not afford to buy lamp oil at home. He cut a wild bamboo plantation from the mountain and made it into “bamboo sperm.” It used to light the lighting. Sometimes “sperm from bamboo” exploded on a burning spark and burnt his hair. Patiently studying under the lamp. In his spare time he enjoys sports very much.