前年5月,中国一个小人物陈世超发明的液浸式快速静态破碎药卷,被选送到美国参加第26届美洲技术交流会。一位从事多年静态爆破研究的美国专家,看到资料介绍该产品能在3分钟破碎岩石,有122兆帕的膨胀力,根本不相信,摇头说:“这是吹牛,是天方夜谭”。 静态爆破是近年各国科学家们攻关的重大技术难题。领先的日本也才把爆破的膨胀力提高到100兆帕,最短时间也要60分钟。面对美国专家的怀疑,参加技
In May last year, a liquid-fast static crushing medicine invented by Chen Shi-chao, a small figure from China, was sent to the United States for the 26th American Technology Exchange. A United States expert engaged in static blasting research for many years saw the information that the product could crush rock in 3 minutes and had an expansion force of 122 MPa. He did not believe it at all and shook his head and said: “This is a bragging and a fantasy.” Static blasting is a major technical challenge for scientists in various countries in recent years. Leading Japan also raised the explosive expansion force to 100 MPa and the shortest time to 60 minutes. In the face of the suspicion of the United States experts to participate in technology