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如果我们把面霜、乳液、化妆水这些东西当作基础的保养,那面膜就是更进阶的保养品。 面膜的英文是Mask,顾名思义它是用一层无纺布、胶膜等不透气材质敷盖在脸部宛如面具一样,面具揭开,肌肤就会在瞬间变得出乎意料的清新。 If we put the cream, lotion, lotion these things as a basis for maintenance, then the mask is more advanced skin care products. Mask English is Mask, as the name suggests it is a layer of non-woven, film and other non-breathable material cover the face like a mask, the mask opened, the skin will become unexpected in an instant fresh.