
来源 :中国戏剧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyzwayjx
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我的艺术审美观在我4岁的时候和父亲发生了第一次碰撞。那是在南昌的某个剧院里,舞台上正上演着一出关于“八一起义”内容的话剧,在全剧快结束的时候,起义的士兵们推出一门做得栩栩如生的道具大炮。从小酷爱刀枪的我,立刻兴奋地鼓起掌来,更让我兴奋的是爸爸也鼓起掌来,他嘴里还喃喃说道:“真像,真像……”能和大人产生共鸣,让我激动得拍肿了小手,并声嘶力竭地附和 My artistic aesthetics met my father for the first time when I was 4 years old. It was a theater in Nanchang where a drama about the August 1 Uprising was staged. When the show was almost over, the uprising soldiers launched a lifelike prop artillery gun. My childhood love knife and gun, and immediately excitement to muster, even more excited is that my father also clap his hands, murmuring in his mouth, said: “really like ... ...” can resonate with adults, I was excited so patted a small hand, and shout hoarse to echo