河南省社旗县东部岗丘区雨水集蓄节水灌溉工程综合技术研究是社旗县科技人员和广大群众首创的一项解决岗丘地区干旱缺水、发展水浇地最佳模式之一。旨在探索岗丘区采取何种方式开发利用有限的雨水资源 ,改善灌溉条件 ,最大限度地扩大和发展水浇地面积 ,综合配置节水措施 ,调整?
The study on comprehensive technology of rainwater harvesting and water-saving irrigation project in Gangqiu district of eastern Henan Province is one of the best models for resolving the problems of drought, water shortage and watering in Gangqiu district initiated by scientific and technical personnel and masses. The purpose is to explore ways to exploit the limited rainwater resources in Gangqiu District, improve irrigation conditions, maximize the expansion and development of irrigated land, comprehensively allocate water-saving measures and adjust?