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一向母亲都是无私无声,含蓄静默而不张扬,包容我们所有的缺点,对儿女细心呵护,充满深情厚爱却不计回报可是当青春在我们的脸上绽放,你突然发现母亲霜染的两鬓、眼角的皱纹,还有整日的唠叨、多疑的性格、古怪的脾气……母亲这是怎么了?更年期让母亲和儿女措不及防。当五月的鲜花盛开,青年节暨母亲节,我们刊出这篇文章,给正处更年期的母亲送去一份祝福,祝她们幸福安康;也让青春期的孩子,多一份自我约束,多体谅关心一下母亲,让我们和她和平度过这个非常时期。妈妈你到底还爱不爱我乖巧女儿进入青春期后变得叛逆,贤惠的母亲进入更年期后变得暴躁。读初中的晓晓和妈妈林女士就像两只互相取暖的刺猬:几天不见就互相牵挂,电话里说个不停;相处在一起两人又仿佛是对冤家,互相抱怨对方不理解自己,常常为一件不足挂齿的小事吵个不停,或是怄气两三天不说话。林女士也不清楚和女儿的关系怎么好一会歹一会,晓晓不在家的时候她非常惦记,每天早晚都要打几个电话问问晓晓的生活、学习情况,话语里满是关切。 Mother has always been selfless silence, subtle silence without publicity, inclusive of all our shortcomings, careful care of children, full of affectionate love but not rewarded, but when youth bloom in our face, you suddenly found the mother frost stained the two 鬓, Eyes wrinkles, there are all day nagging, suspicious personality, eccentric temper ... ... What is the mother? Menopause so that mothers and children are caught off guard. When the flowers bloom in May, the Youth Day and Mother’s Day, we publish this article to send a greeting to the mother who is still in her post-menopause. I wish them happy and well-being. They also give adolescent children more self-restraint and more Forgive and care about the mother, let us peace with her through this extraordinary period. Mom, do you love me or not? My darling daughter becomes rebellious after puberty, and virtuous mother becomes cranky after entering menopause. Xiao Xiao and junior high school mother Ms. Lin is like two hedgehogs each other warm: a few days to see each other for mutual care, talking on the phone non-stop; get along with two people seem to be friends, complain each other do not understand themselves, Often noisy for a trivial matter noisy, or shy for two or three days do not speak. Ms. Lin is not sure how her relationship with her daughter might be for a while. When Xiao Xiao is not at home, she is very conscious of her. Every morning and evening, she makes several phone calls to ask her about her life, her learning situation and her speech. .
  目的 探讨脑脊液P物质(SP)和5-羟色胺能在重性抑郁症患者自杀行为中的生物学作用.方法 采用酶联免疫吸附法测定40例重性抑郁症患者和40例对照组腰椎穿刺脑脊液(CSF)中SP