1 生物特性与发生规律1 1 在闽南地区一年发生 5~ 6代 ,严重为害期4— 10月 ,无冬眠现象 ,世代重叠 ,同一时期可见到各种虫态。为害时 ,视各类果实的成熟度 ,一般是果实接近成熟、果皮转色有果香味时为害特别严重。食心虫成虫似小蜂 ,像飞蝇 ,故果农俗称“蜂仔”、“果蝇”
1 Biological Characteristics and Occurrence Regularity 1 1 Occurred in 5-6 generations a year in the southern part of Fujian Province and seriously damaged in the period of 4-10 months. There is no hibernation phenomenon and generations overlapped. All kinds of insect states can be seen in the same period. Harmful, depending on the maturity of various types of fruit, the fruit is generally mature, peel color turn fruit flavor particularly serious. Moth worms adults like bees, like fly, so fruit farming called “bee”, “fruit fly”