【摘 要】
经过了99期艰辛跋涉,《当代体育》迎来了她100期的黎明。 100期于一本杂志说来,已是趋于成熟的标志;一本杂志能办到100期,说明这本杂志有一定的生命力。尤其是在杂志如林的
经过了99期艰辛跋涉,《当代体育》迎来了她100期的黎明。 100期于一本杂志说来,已是趋于成熟的标志;一本杂志能办到100期,说明这本杂志有一定的生命力。尤其是在杂志如林的今天。说《当代体育》就是这样。实事求是。想当初,编辑部才开张,拢共有十来个人,便匆忙上阵,头一炮就打中了十来万读者,这是1984年第1期创刊号。几个月后,适逢洛杉矶奥运会,编了个奥运专刊,忽喇
After 99 difficult trek, “contemporary sports” ushered in her 100 dawn. 100 in a magazine, is already a sign of maturity; a magazine can do 100, indicating that the magazine has some vitality. Especially in the magazine such as forest today. That’s what contemporary sports means. Seeking truth from facts. At first, the editorial department was opened, together a total of ten individuals, they rush into battle, the first hit hit ten million readers, this is the first issue of 1984 first issue. A few months later, coincides with the Los Angeles Olympic Games, compiled a special issue of the Olympic Games, suddenly La
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The creation of a strong and modernized nation-state had been the objective of Chinese statesmen since the Qing Empire's defeat in the First Opium War of 1842.A