1.绪言英国著名考古学家奥莱尔·斯坦因爵士(Sir Aurel Stein)先后在中国西北地区进行过四次科学考察(即四次中央亚细亚考察).第一次中央亚细亚考察在1900-1901年进行,其主要报告书为(i)《在中国突厥斯坦从事考古和地形考察的初步报告》(Pre1iminary Report of a Journey of Archaeo1ogical and Topographical Exp1oration in Chinese Turkestan,London,1901)一卷;(ii)《沙漠埋藏的和阗废墟》(Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan,London,1903)一卷;(iii)《古代和
1. INTRODUCTION Sir Aurel Stein, a famous British archeologist, conducted four scientific expeditions (ie four expeditions to Central Asia) in northwestern China successively. The first expedition to Central Asia took place in 1900-1901 (I) Preliminaries of the Journey of Archaeoogical and Topographical Exporation in Turkestan, London, 1901; (ii) “Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan, London, 1903”; (iii) "Ancient and