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这些年,城市的楼盘像雨后春笋般拔地而起,一座座带着意大利的风情,法国的烂漫或是传统的韵味,无一不吸引着买家的眼球,更重要的是卖得出好价钱。房还是那个房,为什么变得如此风情万种?这就来自于房地产策划师的大手笔。随着房地产全程策划理论的逐步兴起,尤其目前房产行业竞争日趋激烈,一个好的房地产策划师对房产的开发起着举足轻重的作用。房地产策划涉及从拿地、开发楼盘到销售以及物业管理等全过程。策划师要对开发项目做可行性分析,综合项目所在地区规划、经 In recent years, the city’s real estate has mushroomed like boots, a seat with the Italian style, the French or the traditional charm of the lush, all attract the attention of buyers, more importantly, sell a good price . Housing or the room, why become so fascinating? This comes from real estate planners generous. With the gradual rise of the real estate planning theory, especially in the current real estate industry is becoming increasingly competitive, a good real estate planner plays a decisive role in the development of real estate. Real estate planning from taking to the development of real estate sales and property management process. Planner to do feasibility analysis of development projects, comprehensive planning of the project area, after