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18世纪中叶至19世纪中叶是俄国封建农奴制存在的最后阶段。商品货币经济的发展使农奴制处于总危机的状态,资本主义生产因素早在城市中产生和发展。城市内部社会分工愈益多样化。城市纺织业、制造业、交通运输业、建筑业、服务业等部门对劳动力的需求大大增加,直接拉动着农民到城市打工。同时这一时期农村中地主属下的农民所受的剥削反而加重,一般农民的经济状况和社会地位不断恶化。为寻找生活出路,大批农民不得不外出打工。国家农民和缴纳代役租的地主农民对封建主的人身依附关系相对松动,从而为他们外出到城市打工创造了前提条件。在农村推力和城市拉力双重作用下,18世纪中叶至19世纪中叶欧俄地区的大批农民到城市打工。农民外出打工对农民本人及其家庭产生了重要影响,同时也促进了欧俄社会的变化。但由于封建保守势力等因素的限制,这一时期欧俄打工农民的数量还是比较有限的。 From the middle of the eighteenth century to the mid-nineteenth century was the last stage of the existence of Russian feudal serfdom. The development of commodity currency economy made serfdom in a state of total crisis, and capitalist factors of production arose and developed as early as the city. The division of labor within cities is increasingly diversified. The demand for labor in urban textile, manufacturing, transportation, construction and service industries has greatly increased, directly driving peasants to urban areas to work. At the same time, peasants under the landowners in rural areas suffered more exploitation during this period, and the economic status and social status of peasants in general deteriorated continuously. In search of a way out for life, a large number of peasants have to go out for work. The state peasants and landowners who paid the service rent were relatively loose on the personal attachment of feudal lords, thus creating the preconditions for them to go out to work in cities. Under the double influence of rural thrust and urban pull, a large number of peasants in Europe and Russia in mid-eighteenth century to mid-19th century went to work in cities. Migrant workers go out to work on the farmer and his family had a significant impact, but also to promote the changes in Europe and Russia. However, due to feudal conservative forces and other factors, the number of migrant workers in Europe and Russia during this period is still relatively limited.
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有情人的地方,哪里都是天堂。 在五星级酒店,辉煌的灯光、舒缓的音乐、优雅的侍者、醇香的红酒……每一处都天衣无缝地配合着你和他的浪漫。 无论为了纪念一段开始,还是为了
由中国信息报社组织,经国家统计局有关权威人士评选,2002年度全国十大统计新闻评选结果为: 1.国务院总理朱镕基、副总理温家宝到国家统计局考察工作。朱镕基指出,要大力推进
从上一个春天至今,二十四曲冷暖调,段段悲欢漫眺,听四季在尘埃里继续传唱,抚过谁又一寸柔软的心肠……[春别远] In Joy and Sorrow——H.I.M (来自芬兰的歌特金属乐队H.I.M发
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