近年来,启东县夏大豆遭受食心虫危害较严重,豆粒虫食率一般为20~30%,严重的超过70%。大豆食心虫的防治已成为当务之急。 大豆食心虫又名小红虫,属鳞翅目,小卷叶蛾科(图1)。 一、生活习性和消长规律 1.生活习性 成虫从傍晚开始至午夜之间为活动盛期,飞翔力较弱,对白炽灯、黑光灯趋性很弱。羽化初期雄蛾多于雌蛾,盛发期雌雄比近似1:1。据室内饲养观察,平均每头雌蛾产卵40粒左右。在田间,卵产于豆荚表面的荚毛之间,绝大多数一荚一卵。卵期一周左右。幼虫孵化后在豆荚上吐丝结网,后蛀入荚内取食豆粒。大豆成熟时,幼虫陆续脱荚入土越冬。翌年8月份开始,土壤达到一定湿度后,幼虫上移至表土层化蛹羽化;若土壤干旱,湿度不够,发生期就推迟。
In recent years, Qidong County, summer soybean borers suffered more serious heart worm, bean worms food rate is generally 20 to 30%, a serious over 70%. Soybean borer prevention and control has become a top priority. Soybean food insects, also known as small red worms, Lepidoptera is a small, small leaf moth family (Figure 1). First, the habits and the growth and decline of the law 1. Living habits Adults from early evening to midnight activity for the peak, the flight is weak, incandescent, black light is very weak. Male moths were more predominant than female moths in the early eclosion stage, with a ratio of male to female of about 1: 1. According to indoor feeding observation, the average number of female moth spawns about 40. In the field, the eggs produced in the pods on the surface of the pods, the vast majority of a pod egg. Eggs around a week. After larvae hatch in the pod spit on the net, after earing into the pod to eat beans. Soybean mature, one after another larvae pod into the soil overwintering. The following year in August, the soil reaches a certain humidity, the larvae moved to surface epiphytic pupal eclosion; if the soil drought, humidity is not enough, the period was postponed.