Evolution of word-syllable structures and the diversity of world languages

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leohuo
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A fundamental difference among modern languages in the world are made by word-syllable structures(WSS), not by distinctive phonemes. Language diversity is supposed to be an evolutionary result of the WSSs, which is decided by types of syllable constitution and the length of word by syllables. Here we use Swadesh lists of 179 modern languages to analyze their geographic distribution of WSS diversity index and try to discover their developing positions and depths in the evolutionary processes. We also set an ideal WSS offset model for languages, calculate the offset distance and offset direction of each language, and then divide languages into three groups according to the data result, each of which represents an evolutionary type. Our conclusion is that the WSS diversity and the WSS offset model represent the evolutionary trend of diversity and the evolutionary process of human languages in the world. In addition, every language nowadays keeps the most primary WSS features to some extent. Therefore, the WSS may be regarded as genetic factors of human languages. A fundamental difference among modern languages ​​in the world are made by word-syllable structures (WSS), not by distinctive phonesmes. Language diversity is supposed to be an evolutionary result of the WSSs, which is decided by types of syllable constitution and the length of Here we use Swadesh lists of 179 modern languages ​​to analyze their geographic distribution of WSs diversity index and try to discover their developing places and depths in the evolutionary processes. We also set an ideal WSS offset model for languages, calculate the offset distance and offset direction of each language, and then divide languages ​​into three groups according to the data result, each of which represents an evolutionary type. Our conclusion is that WSS diversity and the WSS offset model represent the evolutionary trend of diversity and the evolutionary process of human languages ​​in the world. In addition, every language nowadays keeps the most primary WSS features to some exten t. Therefore, the WSS may be as genetic factors of human languages.
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