硫酸二甲脂是一种剧毒物质,工业上广泛采用,如药物、颜料及香料等制造。由于其常无嗅、无味,在生产中有时发生意外不易及早发现,所以应予以重视。目前国内尚未见到报告,1959年和196O年本院前后曾遇二例严重中毒患者,并对该厂有关车间的接触者,进行了初步调查,兹将有关资料一并整理报告。供同道参考。临床资料 (一)病例报告: 例一,路××、女性,17岁,住院号22957,制药厂学员,于1959年12月28日下午4点半,因接触硫酸二甲脂后,发生成部红肿及呼吸困难已6小时而急诊入院。病人在当天上午9点半左右,因工作不慎,将大量硫酸二甲脂溅于头面颈部,当即离开现场而去附近车间(约1—2分钟)用2%苏打水冲洗了2—3遍,当时感到两眼剧痛,怕光流泪,约一小时后,面部颈部皮肤灼热发红,2小时后局部皮肤浮肿,两眼疼痛加重,视力模糊,咽部发干异物感,咳嗽,周
Dimethyl sulfate is a highly toxic substance widely used in industry, such as pharmaceuticals, paints and fragrances. Because of its often odorless, tasteless, in the production sometimes difficult to find early, so should be taken seriously. At present, there are no reports yet in our country. In 1959 and 196O, two cases of serious poisoning occurred in our hospital before and after our hospital. We conducted a preliminary investigation on the contact persons of the workshop in the workshop and hereby weighed the relevant information together. For fellow reference. Clinical data (A) Case report: Example 1, Road × ×, female, 17 years old, hospital number 22957, pharmaceutical factory students, at 28:30 on December 28, 1959, due to exposure to dimethyl sulfate, the occurrence of Department of swelling and breathing difficulties have been 6 hours and emergency admission. Patients at about 9:30 that day, due to work inadvertently, a large amount of dimethyl sulfate on the face and neck splashed on the head immediately left the scene and went to the nearby workshop (about 1-2 minutes) rinsed with 2% soda water 2-3 About two hours later, local skin edema, two eyes ache aggravate, blurred vision, pharyngeal hair dry foreign body sensation, cough, week