本文6例患者除1例发病1天就诊外,其余5例均在发病后2天以上就诊,临床症状及体征均很典型。主要表现为患眼红肿、疼痛、畏光流泪,视力骤降。球结膜高度充血、水肿。结膜囊内有黄绿色脓性分泌物。角膜中央有灰白色浸润及溃疡。前房积脓。其中1例角膜已穿孔。6例都做了细菌学检查,4例证实为绿脓杆菌感染,并对庆大霉素敏感,2例培养为阴性。其它情况详见附表。6例患者的治疗方法相同,具体用药如下。1、庆大霉素16万—24万单位、氟美松5mg、维生素c2g 加入5%葡萄糖500ml 静点,每日1次。2、庆大霉素2万单位结膜下注射,每日1次,连续5次,根据病情减少注射次数。角膜上皮基本修复后,结膜下注
In this paper, 6 cases of patients in addition to one case of 1 day treatment, the remaining 5 cases were treated more than 2 days after onset, clinical symptoms and signs are typical. Mainly manifested as eye irritation, pain, photophobia, visual acuity. Bulbar conjunctival hyperemia, edema. Conjunctival sac yellow-green purulent discharge. Corneal gray with white infiltration and ulcers. Anterior chamber empyema. One case of cornea has perforation. 6 cases were bacteriological examination, 4 cases confirmed as Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, and sensitive to gentamicin, 2 cases were negative. Other conditions see the schedule. 6 patients with the same treatment, the specific medication is as follows. 1, Gentamicin 160,000 -24 million units, 5 mg of dexamethasone, vitamin c2g added 5% glucose 500ml static point, day 1. 2, gentamicin 20,000 units subconjunctival injection, 1 day, 5 consecutive times, according to reduce the incidence of injection times. Corneal epithelial basic repair, conjunctival injection