预言枪炮下的繁荣将从灰烬上升起,还为时尚早。让战争成为经济的推进器 9·11使美国经济雪上加霜,这本身就是恐怖主义发动袭击要达到的目的之一。 为了重振经济,美国政府自9·11以来先后两次减息,使联邦基金利率创下自1961年肯尼迪总统执政以来最低利率水准。同时美国众议院还通过由布什总统提出的总值一千亿美元的刺激经济方案,透
It is still too early to predict the boom under gun will rise from ashes. Making war a propeller of the economy 9.11 has added even more to the U.S. economy, which in itself is one of the goals to be met by the terrorist attacks. In order to revive its economy, the U.S. government has cut interest rates twice since September 11, bringing the federal funds rate to the lowest interest rate ever since President Kennedy came to power in 1961. At the same time, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the $ 100 billion stimulus package proposed by President Bush. Through the program,