Electromagnetic Confinement and Shaping for Plate-Form Part

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weizx20090123
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The relationship between melt shape, electromagnetic pressure and magnetic field is studied for electromagnetic confinement and shaping of plate-form part. The results of experimental observation and theoretical inference can be summarized as follows. As the melt thickness a is large enough, causing the ratio of plate thickness to current theoretic skin depth α/δ larger than 2.2, the electromagnetic pressure acting on melt can be simply expressed as Pm =_(2μ)~(B2), and the melt shape would be known only by measuring the distribution of magnetic flux density. As α is small and makes the ratio α/δless than 2.2, the melt shape and electromagnetic pressure for confining and shaping are determined not only by magnetic flux density B but also by melt thickness a, electromagnetic parameter pry and current frequency f. In this paper, an equation used to calculate electromagnetic pressure acting on “thin plate-form melt” is brought forward. The equation gives a precise relationship between electromagnetic pressure factor p and melt thickness α, electromagnetic parameter μγ and current frequency f. The relationship between melt shape, electromagnetic pressure and magnetic field is studied for electromagnetic confinement and shaping of plate-form part. The results of experimental observation and theoretical inference can be summarized as follows. As the melt thickness a is large enough, causing the ratio of plate thickness to current theoretic skin depth α / δ larger than 2.2, the electromagnetic pressure acting on melt can be simply expressed as Pm = _ (2μ) ~ (B2), and the melt shape would be known only by measuring the As α is small and makes the ratio α / δless than 2.2, the melt shape and electromagnetic pressure for confining and shaping are determined not only by magnetic flux density B but also by melt thickness a, electromagnetic parameter pry and current frequency f. In this paper, an equation used to calculate electromagnetic pressure acting on “thin plate-form melt ” is brought forward. The equation gives a precise relationship b etween electromagnetic pressure factor p and melt thickness α, electromagnetic parameter μγ and current frequency f.
早熟的女郎  朋友的女儿恋上崭露头角的某歌手,打算放弃家乡闲适的工作,追随男友北漂寻梦。朋友心急如焚,但在决心已定的女儿面前,除了批评她太过幼稚,无话可讲。  怎么说呢?爱上头顶隐约罩着光环的潜力股,未必代表幼稚;接受看上去安闲舒适的生活,也不见得是成熟的表现。  1917年5月,18岁的宜兴望族少女蒋棠珍,戴上一枚镌刻着“碧微”二字的水晶戒指,与穷小子徐悲鸿踏上了私奔之旅。碧微,是徐悲鸿替她取的
没有火辣的热爱,没有特殊的情结,没有专业的出身,但是有一枚睿智却勃发的心灵,精准且敏锐的市场嗅觉,就可以持续一番有所作为的事业。  刘雨用事实告诉我们,工作不一定是爱它才去做它,才能做好的。对汽车没有特殊情结的刘雨,学工商管理出身,遇见了学设计的朋友,看准了国内模型市场刚刚起步的契机就与模型结下缘分,而车模市场又是目前模型市场最大的,所以,带着几分商业期望就一脚踩了进来。  “汽车文化刚刚在中国兴
认识一个新朋友,他事业有成,为人诚恳,很受人尊敬。几次接触之后,我对他说:“都说性格决定命运,果真是这样。我发现你这个人好强、不服输,所以才有今天的成绩。”  朋友沉默了一会儿,很认真地说:“说实话,我呢,其实就是不敢输!”我疑惑地问:“不敢输?”他依旧很认真地说:“父母在,不敢输!”  接着,朋友向我讲述了他的人生经历。原来,他也曾经是浪子一个。上高中的时候,他结识了一帮社会青年,沾染上恶习,从
2012年4月26日,中国财政学会2012年年会暨第十九次全国财政理论研讨会在厦门国家会计学院隆重召开。会议充分肯定了2010年以来中国财政学会工作的新进展和成效, On April 26
6月中旬,以青少年环境教育为核心的大众汽车畅想绿色未来“绿色课堂”活动,来到了国家首批低碳试点省份湖北省的宜昌市。201 1年“绿色课堂”巡讲活动的序幕正式拉开,随后,“
我渐渐没有太多机会跟威廉聊天了,这个秘密也沉于水底,仿佛被人遗忘。  死不带去的秘密  每个英国人的内心都是一座城堡  威廉是我在加拿大的同事,英国工程师。我一点儿也不喜欢他,胖得跟河马似的,彬彬有礼的绅士风度也无法掩盖住骨子里的傲慢。沉默寡言,一张阴云密布的脸,小心翼翼地跟人保持距离。  周五下班后,我们单身狗都会去公司对面的意大利酒吧喝几杯,但从来见不到威廉,似乎也没有人愿意叫上他。要不是后来