Acute myocardial infarction mortality is high, the early diagnosis and timely diagnosis and treatment, undoubtedly important. In the past five years, we received a total of 10 cases of acute myocardial infarction, as many as 9 cases misdiagnosed as other diseases or missed diagnosis on admission. In order to learn the lesson and improve the early correct diagnosis, now an analysis of this group of patients. First, the general clinical data: This group of 8 males and 1 females; aged 48 to 77 years old, average 62 years old, occupation: 3 farmers, 2 workers and teachers, cadres and traders in 1 case. Second, the infarction site: 4 cases of acute anterior wall, including 1 case of atrial infarction; acute extensive anterior and posterior wall in 2 cases; acute posterior wall in 1 case.